Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Nicole Naatjes--Subject Librarian Review

Meeting with the subject librarian was helpful because it made me start researching and helped me to narrow down what I wanted to write my literature review about. I didn't learn too much that I hadn't already learned from previous research, etc., but it was a nice review. I still need to find a lot of articles for my research and read them. 
Currently I'm researching the energy transfer and it's impact in maximizing performance in the pole vault. I was surprised at the number of articles that showed up when I searched "the biomechanics of pole vault." 
So far I have found a really good source called "Mechanics of Pole Vaulting: a review" that discusses each phase in the vault and mentions in each the transfer of energy. This is a lot like how I want to format my paper, so I'm excited about the information I found there. I learned that energy is built in each part of the vault, including after the pole vaulter leaves the ground. The article mentioned kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and potential strain energy. I'm excited to read the article in greater depths as well as the articles that are referenced by the author of this article including, "Run-up velocity of female and male pole vaulting and some technical aspects of women's pole vault" in the journal, New Studies of Athletics  and "Biomechanical analysis of the pole vault event" in the Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 

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