Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Turning Your "Greatest Weakness" Into an Asset

"What is your greatest weakness?" Without preparation, this question can be a danger to the success of your interview. During our interview activity, I learned some valuable methods for ways to answer this question honestly, while still presenting myself in a positive manner.

It is important to answer with something that is actually a weakness. Telling the interviewer that you work too hard or that you have to do every task perfectly will not usually impress your employer. It is important to recognize an area (hopefully related to the job you are applying for) that is lacking. Instead of focusing on that weakness, convey to the person that is interviewing you what you have done and are doing to turn this weakness into a strength. For example, someone applying for a job as a programmer might say they are not as familiar with a certain programming language as they wish they were. Then they can say what they have done and are doing to learn more about that language. This shows the interviewer that you recognize your need to improve, but also that you are actively doing things to increase your skills. Many employers don't expect you to have every skill required for a job. Showing that you can acquire new skills quickly is a very important quality for many employers.

By telling an employer what you are doing to turn a weakness into a strength, you can show them that you actively seek to improve yourself, and that you are willing to learn new skills that will help you be a better employee.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great thing to learn before heading into an actual interview. It's the same principle that we learned about with cover letters. Acknowledge problems right up front and then overcome them. It also establishes trust with a future employer who now knows you're not trying to hide something from them.


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