Group #1
Pro: Simplicity of the slides made it easy to follow and scan.
Con: Organization-flipping back and forth through the slides was distracting.
Group #2
Pro: Your whole presentation added to your credibility and qualifications through research, etc.
Con: Maybe more practice and preparation could have made transitions more smooth.
Group #3
Pro: Did a great job at not reading the slides and maintaining eye contact! Showed that you were prepared.
Con: You were well prepared to present and could have included less wording and such on the slides.
Group #4
Pro: Good transitions throughout the proposal. You set each other up splendidly!
Con: Lots of different colors on the slides was distracting to me.
Group #5
Pro: Slides were simple and evoked emotion to help stimulate interest in your proposal.
Con: You could have talked more in detail about the van and how it would have worked.
Group #6
Pro: Lots of pictures made the slides simple and easy to understand.
Con: Practice could have improved transitions and made the information simpler and easier to understand.
Group #8
Pro: I loved the personal experiences you shared to add credibility and excitement to your idea. It also helped the audience connect.
Con: Less bullet points and more simplicity could have helped.
Group #9
Pro: The pictures, examples, and tutorials really helped stress your points and understanding.
Con: I would have liked to learn about if there have ever been any problems with the security before.
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