Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Meeting with the Librarian

Two weeks ago, I had an opportunity to meet with BYU subject librarian, Greg Nelson. One of his subject specialties is chemical engineering and chemistry.
At the beginning of meeting, he directed us to the BYU library homepage, then we headed to the research guide. In our group, all the students are chemical engineers, so we choose chemical engineering as the subject guide. As we open the research guide, chemical engineering databases appear. There are several databases includes Compendex, SciFinder,  Web of Science, and etc. Our subject librarian decided to focus on the Scifinder and Compendex.
Those databases as Greg mentioned are great resource for my research. They have tons of literature review on the previous researches. I still tried to narrow down my topic that I could find the correct resource for my literature review.
After Greg Nelson’s introduction to the databases, he met with us individually.  For this literature review, I explained to him that my literature research will be on the exhaust emission difference between using diesel fuel and bio diesel. And how does EPA change the regulation over the years.

One of the most important thing that I learn is to use the Refworks function to save the resource we found. Every time, we find an articles that match our research. We can get it or we can get it BYU library loan. 

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